I am a Ph.D. candidate at
SKKU, under the supervision of
Jeonggyu Lee. I am mainly working on formal epistemology and belief reivsion, but with keen interests in the wider issues on logics, philosophy of logics, and philosophy of mathematics.
Before coming to SKKU, I graduated with M.Litt in Logic and Metaphysics from
SASP, St Andrews, UK, in 2018, where I researched the notion of justification as equivalent to the notion of truth and supplementary logical system of justification. For more
details, check my
CV or hit me up
on my
I am also running a logic study group among graduate students based in Greater Seoul area, called
Logical Beings. Anyone who is interested in logic and logic related subjects and based in Greater Seoul area (or anyone even tangentially related to Korea, for that matters) is more than welcome to join the group!
A Fake Title
The author of this non-existing paper is me.
Some fake journal
I yet have any publication record, but as soon as I do (hopefully in the near future), this section will be filled.
Multi-Agent Simulative Belief Ascription
Introducing the framework of multi-agent epistemic logic, with emphasis on simulative aspects between agents.
4th Korea Logic Day, Grand Mercure Ambassador Hotel, Changwon.